Certificates and declarations of compliance received by the KK-POL Company
- National Technical Assessment
(ITB-KOT-2021/1676 wydanie 1)
- Certificate of Management System ISO 9001:2015
(No: 273398-2018-AQ-POL-RvA; 17.12.2021-16.12.2024)
- Certificate of Management System ISO 9001:2015
(No: 273398-2018-AQ-POL-RvA; 17.12.2024-16.12.2027)
- National Declaration of Performance No: KDWU/25/2017/1
(side inlet fill valve ZN3)
- National Declaration of Performance No: KDWU/29/2017/1
(side inlet fill valve ZN4)
- National Declaration of Performance No: KDWU/2/2017/1
(side inlet fill valve ZN2)
- National Declaration of Performance No: KDWU/32/W/2023/1
(freestanding installation frames KRP-WSW)
- National Declaration of Performance No: KDWU/32/S/2023/1
(installation frames KRP-WSS)
- National Declaration of Performance No: KDWU/32/N/2023/1
(installation frames KRP-WSN)
- National Declaration of Performance No: KDWU/32/P/2023/1
(installation frames for urinal KRP-PSS)
- National Declaration of Performance No: KDWU/32/B/2023/1
(installation frames for bidet KRP-BSS)
- National Declaration of Performance No: KDWU/32/M/2023/1
(handle installation frames KRP-MSN)
- National Declaration of Performance No: KDWU/32/NS/2023/1
(handle installation frames for building into solid walls KRP-WNS)
- National Declaration of Performance No: KDWU/32/2021/1
(handle installation frames)
- National Declaration of Performance No: KDWU/32/2017/1
(handle installation frames)
- National Declaration of Performance No: KDWU/33/2017/1
(dual-flush valve DUO MAX)
- National Declaration of Performance No: KDWU/34/2017/1
(flush valve STOP COMPACT BIS)
- National Declaration of Performance No: KDWU/35/2017/1
(dual-flush valve 3/6 l BIS)
- National Declaration of Performance No: KDWU/36/2017/1
(dual-flush valve 3/6 l HEIGH)
- National Declaration of Performance No: KDWU/37/2017/1
(flush valve STOP COMPACT)
- National Declaration of Performance No: KDWU/3/2017/1
(bottom inlet fill valve ZND)
- National Declaration of Performance No: KDWU/4/2017/1
(adjustable flush valve)
- National Declaration of Performance No: KDWU/6/2017/1
(flush valve STOP BIS)
- National Declaration of Performance No: KDWU/7/2017/1
(dual-flush valve 3/6 l LOW HIGHT)
- Declaration of Conformity No: DWU/17/2016/1
(flushing top push cisterns SND)
- Declaration of Conformity No: DWU/18/2016/1
(flushing high level cisterns SNG)
- Declaration of Conformity No: DWU/9/KKPOL/2011
(angle valve ZG1)
- Declaration of Conformity No: DWU/17/2013/1
(WC top push white cisterns SND)
- Declaration of Conformity No: DWU/18/2013/1
(high level WC cisterns SNG)
- Declaration of Conformity No 32/KKPOL/2015
(concealed mounting frames for sanitary devices KRP)
- Declaration of Performance No: DWU/15/2016/3
(flushing cisterns SP0-340)
- Declaration of Performance No: DWU/8/2016/3
(flushing cisterns SP0-300)
- Declaration of Performance No: DWU/38/2018/3
(flushing cisterns SP0-336)
- Declaration of Performance No: DWU/31/2014/5
(flushing cisterns SP2-342)
- Technical Aproval ITB AT-15-8863/2012
(pre-wall installation frames RPS)
- Technical Aproval ITB AT-15-8691/2011
(pre-wall installation frames RD1)
- Technical Aproval ITB AT-15-7934/2009
(pre-wall installation frames RPK & RPM)
- Technical Aproval ITB AT-15-8691/2015
(pre-wall installation frames KRP)
- Hygienic Certificate B.BK.60110.0316.2023
(angle valve ZG1)
- Hygienic Certificate B-BK-60210-0813/21
(flushing cisterns SP0-340)
- Hygienic Certificate B.BK.60110.0415.2022
(inlet fill valves)
- Hygienic Certificate B-BK-60210-1470/21
(blow-molded flushing cisterns: SP0, SP2, SP3)
- Hygienic Certificate B.BK.60110.1357.2023
(flush plates for pre-wall installation frames for WC )
- Annex no 1 to the Technical Aproval AT-15-7934/2009
(pre-wall installation frames RPK & RPM)
- Hygienic Certificate B-BK-60210-1493/21
(toilet block dispenser for WC)